Customer Protection Sample Clauses

Customer Protection. During the Executive's employment with the Company and for a period of two (2) years following the termination of the Executive's employment for any reason, the Executive covenants and agrees that he will not solicit or attempt to solicit any business from the Company's customers, including actively sought prospective customers, with whom the Executive had Material Contact during his employment, for the purpose of providing products or services competitive with those provided by the Company. Material Contacts exist between the Executive and each customer or prospective customers with whom the Company were coordinated or supervised by the Executive, or about whom the Executive obtained trade secrets or confidential information as a result of the Executive's association with the Company.

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Customer Protection. Provider agrees that in no event, including but not limited to, non-payment by Company, MA Organization or an intermediary, insolvency of Company, MA Organization or an intermediary, or breach by Company of the Agreement, shall Provider bill, charge, collect a deposit from, seek compensation, remuneration or reimbursement from, or have any recourse against any MA Customer or person (other than MA Organization or an intermediary) acting on behalf of the MA Customer for Covered Services provided pursuant to the Agreement or for any other fees that are the legal obligation of MA Organization under the CMS Contract. This provision does not prohibit Provider from collecting from MA Customers allowable Cost Sharing. For the purpose of this provision, an “intermediary” is a person or entity authorized to negotiate and execute the Agreement on behalf of Provider or on behalf of a network through which Provider elects to participate. In the event of MA Organization’s, Company’s, or an intermediary’s insolvency or other cessation of operations or termination of MA Organization’s contract with CMS, Provider shall continue to provide Covered Services to an MA Customer through the later of the period for which premium has been paid to MA Organization on behalf of the MA Customer, or, in the case of an MA Customer who is hospitalized as of such period or date, the MA Customer’s discharge. This provision shall be construed in favor of the MA Customer, shall survive the termination of the Agreement regardless of the reason for termination, including Company or MA Organization’s insolvency, and shall supersede any contrary agreement, oral or written, between Provider and an MA Customer or the representative of an MA Customer if the contrary agreement is inconsistent with this provision.

Customer Protection a. AMEX Customer Protection: ASF acknowledges that unnecessary risk would be caused to AMEX if ASF solicited AMEX Customers outside this Agreement or otherwise intentionally diluted AMEX's ability to provide AMEX Leads to ASF. ASF's agreement, as detailed in this Section, to protect AMEX from this risk is a prime consideration of AMEX for entering into and continuing this Agreement. ASF will not knowingly market any products or services to AMEX Customers other than under the terms of this Agreement. ASF covenants: ***

Customer Protection. Executive acknowledges the substantial amount of time, money, and effort that the Corporation, the Bank and Affiliates have invested and will continue to invest in providing services and products to and to developing relationships with Customers. Executive further acknowledges that by virtue of Executive’s employment Executive has developed or will develop connections to Customers and/or will have access to Confidential Information about many, if not all Customers. Accordingly, during the Restricted Period, Executive shall not unfairly compete with the Corporation (which for purposes of this Section 15, the term “Corporation” shall be deemed hereafter to refer collectively and/or individually to the Corporation, the Bank, and all Affiliates) by disrupting, interfering, or attempting to disrupt or interfere with the business relationships that the Corporation has with its Customers. In particular, if during Executive’s last eighteen (18) months of employment with the Corporation, Executive had any of the following: (i) Material Contact with the Customer, (ii) received or reviewed Confidential Information about the Customer, or (iii) participated in developing or approving a proposal to offer a new service or product or a plan to solidify or expand the relationship with the Customer, then Executive shall refrain from engaging in any of the following activities, :

Customer Protection. Subcontractor agrees, and shall require Participating Providers to agree, that in no event, including but not limited to, non-payment by Subcontractor, MA Organization or an intermediary, insolvency of Subcontractor, MA Organization or an intermediary, or breach of the Agreement, shall Subcontractor or Participating Providers bill, charge, collect a deposit from, seek compensation, remuneration or reimbursement from, or have any recourse against any MA Customer or person (other than MA Organization or an intermediary) acting on behalf of the MA Customer for Covered Services provided pursuant to the Agreement, or for any other fees that are the legal obligation of MA Organization under the CMS Contract. This provision does not prohibit a Participating Provider from collecting from MA Customers allowable Cost Sharing. This provision also does not prohibit a Participating Provider and an MA Customer from agreeing to the provision of services solely at the expense of the MA Customer, as long as the Participating Provider has clearly informed the MA Customer, in accordance with applicable law, that the MA Customer’s Benefit Plan may not cover or continue to cover a specific service or services. In the event of MA Organization’s or an intermediary’s insolvency or other cessation of operations or termination of MA Organization’s contract with CMS, Subcontractor shall require Participating Providers to continue to provide Covered Services to an MA Customer through the later of the period for which premium has been paid to MA Organization on behalf of the MA Customer, or, in the case of MA Customers who are hospitalized as of such period or date, the MA Customer’s discharge. This provision shall be construed in favor of the MA Customer, shall survive the termination of the Agreement regardless of the reason for termination, including MA Organization’s insolvency, and shall supersede any contrary agreement, oral or written, between Subcontractor or Participating Providers and an MA Customer or the representative of an MA Customer if the contrary agreement is inconsistent with this provision. For the purpose of this provision, an “intermediary” is a person or entity authorized to negotiate and execute the Agreement on behalf of Participating Providers or on behalf of a network through which Participating Providers elect to participate.

Customer Protection. (1) Regarding any customer of ours with whom we have an actual business relationship or with whom we had one in the preceding 12 months the Supplier agrees to refrain during the whole contract period and an additional twelve-month period from any kind of direct or indirect offering and/or rendering such services as are either part of our customer relation or of our general field of business and which we could perform by ourselves or third parties.

Customer Protection. 1. The Licensee shall ensure equal and non-discriminatory treatment for all customers regarding their rights and obligations with respect to electricity services.

Customer Protection. During the Employment Term and for a period of one (1) year following the termination of the Executive’s employment for any reason, the Executive covenants and agrees that he will not solicit or attempt to solicit any business from Wolverine’s customers, including actively sought prospective customers, with whom the Executive had Material Contact during his employment, for the purpose of providing products or services competitive with those provided by Wolverine. Material Contacts exist between the Executive and each customer or prospective customers with whom Wolverine were coordinated or supervised by the Executive, or about whom the Executive obtained trade secrets or confidential information as a result of the Executive’s association with Wolverine.

Customer Protection. In no event, including, but not limited to, non-payment by Payer or an intermediary for Covered Services rendered to Customers by Provider, insolvency of Payer or an intermediary, or breach of any term or condition of this Agreement, shall Provider bill, charge, collect a deposit from, seek compensation, remuneration or reimbursement from, or have any recourse against any Customer or persons acting on behalf of the Customer, other than United or an intermediary, for Covered Services eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement; provided, however, that Provider may collect from the Customer any copayment, deductibles or coinsurance for which the Customer is responsible under the Benefit Plan, or charges for services not covered under the Customer’s Benefit Plan. This Appendix does not prohibit Provider from agreeing to continue the provision of non-covered health care services solely at the Customer’s expense, as long as Provider has clearly informed the Customer that United may not cover or continue to cover a specific health care service or health care services. The foregoing sentence does not apply to Provider if Provider is employed full-time on United's staff and has agreed to provide health care services exclusively to United's Customers and no others. Except as provided herein, this provision does not prohibit Provider from pursing any available legal remedy. The provisions of this section shall: (a) apply to all Covered Services rendered while this Agreement is in force; (b) with respect to Covered Services rendered while this Agreement is in force, survive the termination of this Agreement regardless of the cause of termination; (c) be construed to be for the benefit of the Customers; and (d) supersede any oral or written agreement, existing or subsequently entered into, between Provider and a Customer or person acting on a Customer’s behalf, that requires the Customer to pay for such Covered Services. Provider or Provider's agent, trustee, or assignee may not maintain any action at law against a Customer to collect sums owed to Provider by United.

Customer Protection. The Parties agree not to xxx or threaten to xxx any Customer of the other for (i) Infringement of any of their Patents by any of the other’s Products sold or shipped to a Customer during either Covenants Not To Xxx Periods or a Cure Period or (ii) use of such Products, and, in each case, to waive any damages or other remedies that would otherwise accrue during such periods on account of such claims. Such covenant shall apply both during all applicable Covenants Not To Xxx Periods and thereafter.