Open Applications

Walmart’s more than 2 million associates are residents, neighbors, friends and family in thousands of communities around the globe. Walmart works to strengthen these communities through both retail business and community giving, and we support and invest in communities through local giving. Eligible organizations can participate in our Spark Good programs, including programs like local grants, round up, registry, space tool and associate giving and volunteerism.

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Spark Good Local Grants

Walmart believes that strengthening local communities creates value for business as well as society. Each year, Walmart U.S. stores, Sam’s Clubs and Distribution Centers award local cash grants ranging from $250 to $5000. These local grants are designed to address the unique needs of the communities where we operate.

Spark Good Round Up

Spark Good Round Up allows eligible organizations to participate and receive donations from customers when shopping on or in the app. Walmart works with two organizations (Deed and Network for Good) to ensure that customers have a broad choice of Charities and NCES schools to support.

Spark Good Registry

Like a wedding or a baby registry, the Spark Good Registry allows verified organizations to create lists of needed products, including gift cards, and to share those lists with their donors. Walmart ships items purchased through an organization’s registry directly to the organization reducing friction from setting up collection sites and retrieving donations. Organizations can create virtual events, like a coat or canned-food drive, and share the registry through their social media channels or donor newsletters.

Spark Good Space Tool

The Spark Good Space Tool allows local organizations to request space outside of Walmart stores and Neighborhood Markets for fundraising or community awareness campaigns. For Sam’s Club requests, please contact the local club manager to request the use of space.

Spark Good Associate Programs

When it comes to strengthening communities, our associates are leading the way. Whether it’s the gift of time, money, or a combination of the two, Walmart’s Spark Good Associate Programs empower associates to support causes that are meaningful to them.